javascript - Semantic UI modal component onClose with React -

i need way define behavior on semantic modal gets executed when closes.

what i'm doing uses 'portal', think "onclick" event doesn't work because these html elements outside of react.

i had:

componentdidmount() {   console.log('mounting modal', this);   this.node = react.finddomnode(this);   this.$modal = $(this.node);    this.$icon = $("<i class='close icon' /></i>");    this.$header = $("<div class='header'></div>").html(this.props.header);   this.$content = $("<div class='content'></div>");    this.$modal.append(this.$header);   this.$modal.append(this.$icon);   this.$modal.append(this.$content);    this.renderdialogcontent(this.props); }  componentwillreceiveprops(newprops) {   this.renderdialogcontent(newprops); }  renderdialogcontent(props) {   props = props || this.props;    react.render(<div>{props.children}</div>, this.$content[0]);    if (props.isopen) {     this.$modal         .modal('setting', 'closable', false)         .modal('show');   }    else {   this.$modal.modal('hide modal');   } } 

how define behavior?

here's fiddle similar code.

for reason, i'm unsure why, can't use regular react event handlers inside modal view.

so on close icon, registered jquery onclick handler.

$('#' + id).click(this.props.close); 

and passed close in bound parent component.


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