node.js - Gulp dest not working in Windows7 -

the setup

i've followed this tutorial installing gulp , configuring gulpfile.js concatenate , minify javascript files. using windows7 machine. when run gulp command, output:

gulpfile runs without error

there no errors, gulp.dest() doesn't create expected "dist/js/matrix.min.js".

here gulpfile:

/* based on */  var gulp = require('gulp'); var minifycss = require('gulp-minify-css'); var uglify = require('gulp-uglify'); var concatcss = require('gulp-concat-css'); var concat = require('gulp-concat'); var jshint = require('gulp-jshint'); var imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin'),     svgmin = require('gulp-svgmin');   //gulp.task('default', ['css', 'js', 'img', 'svg', 'html'], function () {}); gulp.task('default', ['js'], function () {});  // css concatenation + minification task gulp.task('css', function() {   return gulp.src('sourcecode/css/*.css')     .pipe(concatcss('semeano.min.css'))     .pipe(minifycss())     .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/css')); });  // js linting + minification + concatenation task gulp.task('js', function() {     return gulp.src([         'sourcecode/js/agregate/modernizr.custom.08680.min.js',         'sourcecode/js/agregate/jquery.js',         'sourcecode/js/agregate/jquery-ui.js',         'sourcecode/js/agregate/bootstrap.js',         'sourcecode/js/agregate/jquery.datatables.js',         'sourcecode/js/agregate/datatables.tabletools.js',         'sourcecode/js/agregate/zeroclipboard.js',         'sourcecode/js/agregate/dt_bootstrap.js',         'sourcecode/js/agregate/matrix_main.js'     ])     .pipe(jshint())     .pipe(jshint.reporter("default"))     .pipe(uglify())     .pipe(concat('matrix.min.js'))     .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/js')); });  // image optimization task gulp.task('img', function () {   return gulp.src('sourcecode/img/*.*')     .pipe(imagemin())     .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/img')); });  // svg optimization task gulp.task('svg', function () {   return gulp.src('sourcecode/svg/*.svg')     .pipe(svgmin())     .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/svg')); }); 

what i've tried

figuring "i know how things", did research , came across this "gulp not working anymore after npm update" issue, tried this suggestion:

  1. run: "npm install glob@4.2.2" //no problem
  2. run: "npm install" //now bunch of errors:

a bunch of errors after 'fix'

what need @ point working in windows environment?

from looking @ first screenshot , code snippet, looks gulp.src() isn't finding files want process. check see if you've got typos aggregate?

as github issue, refers old version of gulp. sure you're using latest version of gulp 3.9.0.


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