unity3d - Decreasing a float after a set amount of time -

this little difficult explain want write piece of code decreases users oxygen level after set amount of time. example, if user swimming users oxygen level should go down .5 every 5 seconds. have general idea can not seem figure out how write code. here have far


    public float timer = 60;     public float oxygen = 100;     public float decreaseoxygen = 0.5f;     public float oxygendecreaseinterval = 2;      private float decreaseoxyovertime(float amounttodecrease)     {         oxygen = oxygen - amounttodecrease;         return oxygen;     }       private float createdelaytimer()     {         float delayedtime = timer - oxygendecreaseinterval;         invokerepeating("delayedtime", 0, 5f);          return delayedtime;     }  void update() {          if (timer >= createdelaytimer())         {             oxtext.text = "oxygen: " + decreaseoxyovertime(decreaseoxygen) + "%";         }          timer -= time.deltatime; } 

why not use coroutine?

when want start decrease in oxygen can this:

startcoroutine("decreaseovertime", amounttodecreaseby, interval);  ienumerator decreaseovertime(float amounttodecreaseby, float interval) {   float adjust = 0;   while(true)   {    var prev = datetime.now;     yield return new waitforseconds(interval-adjust);     adjust = datetime.now.subtract( prev ).seconds - interval;   } } 

i'm assuming interval measured in seconds.

note: i'm calling startcoroutine using it's name instead of calling method can stop later stopcoroutine.


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