excel - Set number of copies per worksheet -
i have workbook combines multiple reports. currently, using piece of vba code determine worksheets printed based on cell value in each worksheet.
is there way add existing code set each worksheet print specific number of times per sheet? example, print sheet1 2 times, print sheet2 1 time, , on, using cell reference on worksheet. code
i have printing far is:
sub printsheets() dim ws worksheet dim arrws() dim long each ws in worksheets if ws.range("a1") = "print" redim preserve arrws(i) arrws(i) = ws.name = + 1 end if next ws sheets(arrws).printout end sub
i've tried couple different items, each 1 sheet determine how many times printed, instead of allowing each page have own specific number of copies.
try this
sheets(arrws).printout copies:=range("a2").value
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