mongodb - Update extended Meteor.user collection -

i have extended meteor-collection2 user profile

user profile

/// --- user profile --- /// userprofile = new mongo.collection("userprofile"); schema.userprofile = new simpleschema({     username: {         type: string,         optional: true     },     usergender: {         type: string,         allowedvalues: ['male', 'female'],         optional: true     },     userage: {         type: number,         optional: true,         regex: /^[0-9]{2}$/     },     userweight: {         type: number,         decimal: true,         optional: true     },     usergrowth: {         type: number,         optional: true     },     userexpirience: {         type: number,         optional: true     },     useravatarid: {         type: string,         optional: true     },     profilecomplete: {         type: boolean,         optional: true     } }); userprofile.attachschema(schema.userprofile); 


/// --- user --- /// schema.user = new simpleschema({     username: {         type: string,         regex: /^[a-z0-9a-z_]{3,15}$/     },     emails: {         type: [object]     },     "emails.$.address": {         type: string,         regex:     },     "emails.$.verified": {         type: boolean     },     createdat: {         type: date     },     profile: {         type: schema.userprofile,         optional: true     },     services: {         type: object,         optional: true,         blackbox: true     },     // add `roles` schema if use meteor-roles package.     // option 1: object type     // if specify type object, must specify     // `roles.global_group` group whenever add user role.     // example:     // roles.adduserstoroles(userid, ["admin"], roles.global_group);     // can't mix , match adding , without group since     // fail validation in cases.     roles: {         type: object,         optional: true,         blackbox: true     },     // option 2: [string] type     // if sure never need use role groups,     // can specify [string] type     roles: {         type: [string],         optional: true     } }); meteor.users.attachschema(schema.user); 

but can't update property of user, example useage. when try it:

meteor.users.update({_id: userid}, {$set: {userage: 30}}, {validate: false}); 

it destroy data of user , collection contain id

and second question: how can retreave data user profile ex age?

you overwriting entire content of user instead of userage in profile. think small change below fix problem:

meteor.users.update({_id: userid}, {$set: {profile.userage: 30}}, {validate: false});

i'm not sure mean "ex age", history of age?


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