sts springsourcetoolsuite - SpringSource STS.ini 3.7.x (Eclipse Mars 4.5.x) Memory Settings -

i've seen question asked few times not of july 2015 anyway. understand @ 1 point in time adding memory in sts.ini file settings supposedly cause paradoxical performance issues in sts/eclipse. i'm not sure if that's still case , searches not fruitful. i've had frustration spring-source/eclipse performance on years , i'm hoping newest version(s) addressing issues pcs have 64-bit operating systems , higher memory. in case, have 6-core processor, 64-bit windows 8 , 16 gb of memory, , yet still have wait various tasks. here attempt @ sts.ini file. wondering if have suggestions on how can make of 16 gigs of ram without tripping ide. setting understand right xmx, should memory given eclipse. i'd love know how max them out , them down needed. i'm sort of surprised isn't the ide properties wouldn't have ui - take guess-work out of ranges. help!

-startup plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.100.v20150511-1540.jar --launcher.library plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_64_1.1.300.v20150602-1417 -product org.springsource.sts.ide --launcher.defaultaction openfile --launcher.xxmaxpermsize 384m -vmargs -dosgi.requiredjavaversion=1.6 -xms256m -xmx4g -xmn128m -xss1m -xx:permsize=128m -xx:maxpermsize=256m -xverify:none -dorg.eclipse.swt.browser.ieversion=10001 


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