java - Play Framework Ebean query retreival -

i want show previous 5 transactions of signed in user in banking app.

public static model.finder<string,transaction> find = new model.finder<string,transaction>(string.class,transaction.class);  public static list<transaction> fetchtransactions (string currentuser) {     return find.where().eq("user.username",currentuser).setmaxrows(5).findlist(); } 

i tried ebean.find function:

@inject  list<transaction> list = ebean.find(transaction.class).fetch("transnature").fetch("amount").where().eq("user.username",user.findbyemail(request().username()).username).findlist(); 

what doing wrong?

if want last 5 transactions, have include order respective column, transactiondate descending order. otherwise ebean default, fetch rows order id in ascending order. first 5 rows transaction table.

try this,

public static list<transaction> fetchtransactions(string currentuser) {   return find.where().eq("user.username",currentuser).orderby("transactiondate desc").setmaxrows(5).findlist(); } 


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