java - Spring 4: MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter does not support application/javascript for jsonp -

using spring 4.1.6.release , jackson libraries v2.5.4

want use jsonp in rest services using spring 4; spring 4 supports jsonp out of box.


<mvc:annotation-driven     content-negotiation-manager="contentnegotiationmanager"> ... </mvc:annotation-driven> 

using contentnegotiationmanager in following manner

<bean id="contentnegotiationmanager"     class="org.springframework.web.accept.contentnegotiationmanagerfactorybean">      <property name="defaultcontenttype" value="application/json" />       <!-- configuration of path extension based contentnegotiationstrategy -->     <property name="favorpathextension" value="false" />      <!-- configuration of request parameter based contentnegotiationstrategy -->     <property name="favorparameter" value="true" />     <property name="parametername" value="formattype" />     <property name="mediatypes" ref="mediatypesmapping" />     <!-- configuration of http accept header based contentnegotiationstrategy -->     <property name="ignoreacceptheader" value="true" />  </bean> 

here mediatypemapping

<util:map id="mediatypesmapping">     <entry key="json" value="application/json" />     <entry key="xml" value="application/xml" />     <entry key="jsonp" value="application/javascript" /> </util:map> 

here jsonpparameternames

<util:set id="jsonpparameternames">     <value>param1</value>     <value>param2</value>     <value>param3</value> </util:set> 

deployed rest service.

  • hitting following url gives data in json format

  • hitting following url gives data in xmlformat

  • hitting following url gives 406 exception



on doing investigation, discovered mappingjackson2httpmessageconverter not supports application/javascript.

surprised since spring 4 claims support jsonp out of box.

furthermore, mappingjackson2jsonview support jsonp out of box.


am missing in configuration once added enable me use content type application/javascript out of box spring 4 jsonp?


here controlleradvice configuration:

<bean id="jsonpadvice"     class="com.advice.accountservicecontrollerjsonpadvice">     <constructor-arg ref="jsonpparameternames" /> </bean> 

and here controlleradvice

 public class accountservicecontrollerjsonpadvice extends     abstractjsonpresponsebodyadvice {  private string[] callbacklist = {"callback"};  public string[] getcallbacklist() {     return callbacklist; }  public void setcallbacklist(string[] callbacklist) {     this.callbacklist = callbacklist; }  public accountservicecontrollerjsonpadvice(string... callbacklist) {     super(callbacklist); } } 

however, not enable application understand url following , returns 406 error


it makes application understand request url following , return jsonp response:


yes, spring 4.1+ supports jsonp, it's not conversion format per se.

mappingjackson2httpmessageconverter supports "application/json" , "*+json" media types, not support "application/javascript". if did, you'd expect parse javascript code, not case.

here, we're merely wrapping output make "application/javascript", really, it's still json.

your current configuration disabling content negotiation http accept headers (why?). in order support jsonp need in mvc configuration:


and additional controlleradvice (see reference documentation):

@controlleradvice public class jsonpadvice extends abstractjsonpresponsebodyadvice {      public jsonpadvice() {         super("callback");     } } 

that's it.

now you'll get:

get /contextroot/info/1 // return what's best depending on accept header sent client  /contextroot/info/1.xml // return xml  /contextroot/info/1.json // return json  /contextroot/info/1.json?callback=myfunction // return jsonp wrapped in "myfunction" call 

in case, should:

  1. remove "application/javascript" media types mappings, or backwards compatibility associate "jsonp" "application/json" media type.
  2. use get /contextroot/info/1?formattype=json&param1=callback1

see abstractjsonpresponsebodyadvice more details on implementation.


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