java - Spring 4: MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter does not support application/javascript for jsonp -
using spring 4.1.6.release , jackson libraries v2.5.4
want use jsonp in rest services using spring 4; spring 4 supports jsonp out of box.
<mvc:annotation-driven content-negotiation-manager="contentnegotiationmanager"> ... </mvc:annotation-driven>
using contentnegotiationmanager in following manner
<bean id="contentnegotiationmanager" class="org.springframework.web.accept.contentnegotiationmanagerfactorybean"> <property name="defaultcontenttype" value="application/json" /> <!-- configuration of path extension based contentnegotiationstrategy --> <property name="favorpathextension" value="false" /> <!-- configuration of request parameter based contentnegotiationstrategy --> <property name="favorparameter" value="true" /> <property name="parametername" value="formattype" /> <property name="mediatypes" ref="mediatypesmapping" /> <!-- configuration of http accept header based contentnegotiationstrategy --> <property name="ignoreacceptheader" value="true" /> </bean>
here mediatypemapping
<util:map id="mediatypesmapping"> <entry key="json" value="application/json" /> <entry key="xml" value="application/xml" /> <entry key="jsonp" value="application/javascript" /> </util:map>
here jsonpparameternames
<util:set id="jsonpparameternames"> <value>param1</value> <value>param2</value> <value>param3</value> </util:set>
deployed rest service.
hitting following url gives data in json format
hitting following url gives data in xmlformat
hitting following url gives 406 exception
on doing investigation, discovered mappingjackson2httpmessageconverter not supports application/javascript.
surprised since spring 4 claims support jsonp out of box.
furthermore, mappingjackson2jsonview support jsonp out of box.
am missing in configuration once added enable me use content type application/javascript out of box spring 4 jsonp?
here controlleradvice configuration:
<bean id="jsonpadvice" class="com.advice.accountservicecontrollerjsonpadvice"> <constructor-arg ref="jsonpparameternames" /> </bean>
and here controlleradvice
public class accountservicecontrollerjsonpadvice extends abstractjsonpresponsebodyadvice { private string[] callbacklist = {"callback"}; public string[] getcallbacklist() { return callbacklist; } public void setcallbacklist(string[] callbacklist) { this.callbacklist = callbacklist; } public accountservicecontrollerjsonpadvice(string... callbacklist) { super(callbacklist); } }
however, not enable application understand url following , returns 406 error
it makes application understand request url following , return jsonp response:
yes, spring 4.1+ supports jsonp, it's not conversion format per se.
supports "application/json"
, "*+json"
media types, not support "application/javascript"
. if did, you'd expect parse javascript code, not case.
here, we're merely wrapping output make "application/javascript"
, really, it's still json.
your current configuration disabling content negotiation http accept headers (why?). in order support jsonp need in mvc configuration:
and additional controlleradvice
(see reference documentation):
@controlleradvice public class jsonpadvice extends abstractjsonpresponsebodyadvice { public jsonpadvice() { super("callback"); } }
that's it.
now you'll get:
get /contextroot/info/1 // return what's best depending on accept header sent client /contextroot/info/1.xml // return xml /contextroot/info/1.json // return json /contextroot/info/1.json?callback=myfunction // return jsonp wrapped in "myfunction" call
in case, should:
- remove
media types mappings, or backwards compatibility associate"jsonp"
media type. - use
get /contextroot/info/1?formattype=json¶m1=callback1
see abstractjsonpresponsebodyadvice more details on implementation.
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