powershell - Is it possible to create an Umbraco site from the Azure Marketplace using poweshell? -
i keep getting requests set umbraco sites developers.
i have done bit of searching and, wondering if possible use powershell create umbraco site from azure marketplace using powershell.
i create vms, example, using following commands:
- get-azurevmimage
- new-azurequickvm
but cand find websites (web apps) market place.
there use in in portal:
note: must done using market place.
update question: have got further @theadriangreen.
now have following after run command:
sitename: website name
hostingplanname: basic
serverfarmresourcegroup: i have no idea
sitelocation: australia southeast
servername: is database server name?
serverlocation: australia southeast
administratorlogin: is database admin login name?
databasename: is database admin login password?
webdeploy_databaseusername: no idea
webdeploy_databasepassword: no idea
@theadriangreen hope can clarify of these me?
thanks russ
yes possible. command get-azureresourcegroupgallerytemplate
able locate template identity umbracoorg.umbracocms.0.4.6-preview
, hence powershell command is:
switch-azuremode -name azureresourcemanager add-azureaccount select-azuresubscription -subscriptionid '<subscription-id>' new-azureresourcegroup -name testrg -location westus -deploymentname testrg -gallerytemplateidentity umbracoorg.umbracocms.0.4.6-preview
looking @ template (https://gallerystoreprodch.blob.core.windows.net/prod-microsoft-windowsazure-gallery/umbracoorg.umbracocms.0.4.6-preview/deploymenttemplates/website_newhostingplan_sql_newdb-default.json) get-azureresourcegroupgallerytemplate -identity umbracoorg.umbracocms.0.4.6-preview
can infer following parameters:
- sitename: website name
- hostingplanname: name of app server plan use.
- serverfarmresourcegroup: must same resource group name
- sitelocation: location
- servername: mssql server name
- serverlocation: location, should same above
- administratorlogin: mssql admin login
- databasename: mssql admin login password
- webdeploy_databaseusername: mssql admin login provided app, should same above
- webdeploy_databasepassword: mssql admin login password provided app, should same above
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