python - How do you use the `secondary` kwarg to fit this situation in SqlAlchemy? -

i have situation user can belong many courses, , course can contain many users. have modeled in sqlalchemy so:

class user(base):     __tablename__ = 'users'      id = column(integer, primary_key=true)   class course(base):     __tablename__ = 'courses'      id = column(integer, primary_key=true)     archived = column(datetime)   class coursejoin(base):     __tablename__ = 'course_joins'      id = column(integer, primary_key=true)      # foreign keys     user_id = column(integer, foreignkey(''))     course_id = column(integer, foreignkey('')) 

in system, have ability "archive" course. marked datetime field on course model. give user model relationship called course_joins contains coursejoins respective course hasn't been archived. i'm trying use secondary kwarg accomplish so:

class user(base):     __tablename__ = 'users'      id = column(integer, primary_key=true)      course_joins = relationship('coursejoin',                                 secondary='join(course, coursejoin.course_id ==',                                 primaryjoin='and_(coursejoin.user_id ==,'                                                  'course.archived == none)',                                 order_by='coursejoin.created') 

however i'm getting error:

invalidrequesterror: 1 or more mappers failed initialize - can't proceed initialization of other mappers.  original exception was: expression expected 

i believe exact usecase secondary kwarg of relationship(), i'm not sure what's going on.

if have many-to-many relationship (plus created) column, think right way define relationship is:

courses = relationship(     'course',     secondary='course_joins',     primaryjoin=' == course_joins.c.user_id',     secondaryjoin='and_( == course_joins.c.course_id, courses.c.archived == none)',     order_by='course_joins.c.created',     viewonly=true, ) 

and use like:

u1 = user(courses=[course()]) session.add(u1) u2 = user(courses=[course(, 1, 1))]) session.add(u2) 

otherwise, drop secondary , add other condition primaryjoin:

courses = relationship(     'coursejoin',     primaryjoin=\     'and_( == course_joins.c.user_id, '     ' == course_joins.c.course_id, '     'courses.c.archived == none)',     order_by='course_joins.c.created', ) 


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