python - How to access a class from a dynamically imported module -
i have dynamically imported module:
module_object = importlib.import_module(audio_module)
now if list of attributes associated module:
print dir(module_object)
i following:
['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__', 'aud_shell', 'shlex', 'sys']
i want access "aud_shell" class located within module. since module dynamically imported, not have knowledge of class has within it. how search within imported module class name , access class?
for example:
- dynamically import module
- obtain name of class within module
- access method within class
in end have this:
i hope explained correctly. let me know if didn't make sense. thanks.
actually 5 minutes after posting question able solve it, in case else trying same thing here is:
after have imported module dynamically:
module_object = importlib.import_module(audio_module)
you can obtain class doing following:
module_class = inspect.getmembers(module_object, inspect.isclass)
then need create object of class module. done by:
class_object = getattr(module_object, module_class)
now when print "class_object" following:
>>>print class_object audio_module.aud_shell
now need figure out how list of methods within class , access methods...
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