c# - Google API won't recognize my ip -

so have google api project. i've written c# program connect using public access api key. when api key not restricted particular ip address, program works. however, when restrict api key ip address of server, so: enter image description here

i ip blocked error, so:

ip blocked error

i confirmed ip of machine in 2 ways. went whatsmyip.com , got this:

enter image description here

and wrote little php program on server , called via console app remote_addr:

enter image description here

according every method know check, ip address ###.###.###.197. when put ip in key server applications says ip not allowed. i've run same program other computers , put computers' ip addresses in server key , program worked.

why google api not recognizing ip address of machine @ ###.###.###.197 though permitted ip in api key?

one idea: can modify google api project tell client ip address google sees? have never worked google api saw can geolocation , stuff that, assume google-side code should able access info. if google api project sees .197 ip address, it's time contact google support ;-)


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