google chrome extension - Communicate between Native Messaging Host and C# app -

i have chrome extension can communicate native messaging host created in c#.

however, how can communicate between native messaging host , c# app. think via native messaging host input/output streams, haven't been able find how this.

i couldn't find way of using process.standardinput because chrome launches native messaging host.

instead used wcf. here code:

    private static object syncroot = new object();     static string returnvalue = null;      [servicecontract]     public interface igetchromestring     {         [operationcontract]         string getstring(string value);     }      public class cgetchromestring : igetchromestring     {         public string getstring(string value)         {             openstandardstreamout(value);             // wait until openstandardstreamin() sets returnvalue in main thread             lock (syncroot)             {                 monitor.wait(syncroot);             }             return returnvalue;         }     }      static void main(string[] args)     {         using (servicehost host = new servicehost(typeof(cgetchromestring), new uri[] { new uri("net.pipe://localhost") }))         {             host.addserviceendpoint(typeof(igetchromestring), new netnamedpipebinding(), "pipereverse");    ;             while (returnvalue != "")             {                 returnvalue = openstandardstreamin();                 // returnvalue has been set, geturl can resume.                 lock (syncroot)                 {                     monitor.pulse(syncroot);                 }             }              host.close();         }     }      static string openstandardstreamin()     {         stream stdin = console.openstandardinput();         byte[] bytes = new byte[4];, 0, 4);         int length = 0;          length = system.bitconverter.toint32(bytes, 0);          string input = "";         (int = 0; < length; i++)         {             input += (char)stdin.readbyte();         }         return input;     }      static void openstandardstreamout(string stringdata)     {         string msgdata = "{\"text\":\"" + stringdata + "\"}";         int datalength = msgdata.length;         stream stdout = console.openstandardoutput();         stdout.writebyte((byte)((datalength >> 0) & 0xff));         stdout.writebyte((byte)((datalength >> 8) & 0xff));         stdout.writebyte((byte)((datalength >> 16) & 0xff));         stdout.writebyte((byte)((datalength >> 24) & 0xff));         console.write(msgdata);     } 


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