javascript - jQuery Datatable header and body width mismatch withcollapsed sidebar -

i have datatable , collapsible sidebar. table has table-layout:fixed , defined of columns width in css. table looks perfect when sidbar collapsed, if sidebar opened, column , header misaligned. when open firebug, see datatables_scrollheadinner has width: 1558px; datatables_scrollbody has width: 1343px. have no idea why header isn't getting resized along body. codes below (the html being generated dynamically , big paste here):


 $(document).ready(function () {      var selector = "#artist_datatable";      var defaults = {         "language": { "processing": "processing...", "lengthmenu": "show _menu_ entries", "zerorecords": "no matching records found", "info": "showing _start_ _end_ of _total_ entries", "infoempty": "showing 0 0 of 0 entries", "sinfofiltered": "(filtered _max_ total entries)", "infopostfix": "", "search": "search", "url": "", "paginate": {     "first": "first",     "previous": "previous",     "next": "next",     "last": "last" } }     };      var features = {         "autowidth": false,         "deferrender": false,          "info": true,          "jqueryui": false,          "lengthchange": true,           "ordering": true,           "paging": true,            "processing": true,           "scrollx": false,            "scrolly": false,           "searching": true,           "statesave": false,            "delay": 0,           };      var options = {         "displaystart": 0,         "lengthmenu": [10, 25, 50, 100],         "orderclasses": true,          "order": [[0,"asc"]],          "ordermulti": true,          "pagelength": 50,          "pagingtype": "full_numbers",          "scrollcollapse": false,          "searchdelay": 0,          "stateduration": 7200,          "stripeclasses": [""],           "responsive": true,};     var ajax = {             "serverside": false, "data": [{ /*data table*/     };      settimeout(function() {         var columns = {             "columns": [         {           "contentpadding": "", "defaultcontent": "", "name": "", "orderable": false, "searchable": false, "title": "<input type='checkbox' name='multiselect_checkall' class='multiselect_checkall' />",             "visible": true,     "classname": "row-select",     "width": "",      "data": null, "render": function(data, type, row, meta) {     var checkbox = "<input type='checkbox' name='multiselect_checkbox' value='" + first + "' class='multiselect_checkbox' />";     var output = "";     var starthtml = "";     var endhtml = "";     var attributes = "";                            attributes += 'name="multiselect_checkbox check" ';                 attributes += 'class="multiselect_checkbox" ';              var first;     if (row.hasownproperty('id') && typeof('id') !== 'function') {         first = row['id'];     }              if ("" != attributes) {         var custom = "";          custom += starthtml;         custom += "<input type='checkbox' value='";         custom += first;         custom += "'";         custom += attributes;         custom += "/>"         custom += endhtml;          return custom;     }      output += starthtml;     output += checkbox;     output += endhtml;      return output; }, },         {         "contentpadding": "",     "defaultcontent": "",     "name": "",                 "orderable": true,                         "searchable": true,             "title": "name",                         "visible": true,         "classname": "row-name",             "width": "",          "data": "name",                 },         {         "contentpadding": "",     "defaultcontent": "",     "name": "",                 "orderable": true,                         "searchable": true,             "title": "sex",                         "visible": true,         "classname": "row-sex",             "width": "",          "data": "sex",                 },         {         "contentpadding": "",     "defaultcontent": "",     "name": "",                 "orderable": true,                         "searchable": true,             "title": "prio",                         "visible": true,         "classname": "row-priority",             "width": "",          "data": "priority",                 },         {         "contentpadding": "",     "defaultcontent": "",     "name": "",                 "orderable": true,                         "searchable": true,             "title": "role",                         "visible": true,         "classname": "",             "width": "",          "data": "role",                 },         {         "contentpadding": "",     "defaultcontent": "",     "name": "",                 "orderable": true,                         "searchable": true,             "title": "(d)",                         "visible": true,         "classname": "row-date",             "width": "",          "data": "bday",                 },         {         "contentpadding": "",     "defaultcontent": "",     "name": "",                 "orderable": true,                         "searchable": true,             "title": "(m)",                         "visible": true,         "classname": "row-month",             "width": "",          "data": "bmonth",                 },         {         "contentpadding": "",     "defaultcontent": "",     "name": "",                 "orderable": true,                         "searchable": true,             "title": "(y)",                         "visible": true,         "classname": "row-year",             "width": "",          "data": "byear",                 },         {         "contentpadding": "",     "defaultcontent": "",     "name": "",                 "orderable": true,                         "searchable": true,             "title": "works",                         "visible": true,         "classname": "",             "width": "",          "data": "works",                 },         {     "contentpadding": "", "defaultcontent": "", "name": "", "orderable": false, "searchable": false, "title": "actions",             "visible": true,     "classname": "row-buttons",     "width": "",      "data": "", "render": function(data, type, row, meta) {     var actionsstring = "";       var routeparameters, attributes, visibleflag, roleflag;                  routeparameters  = new array();         attributes = "";         visibleflag = true;         roleflag = true;                           roleflag = false;                                 roleflag = true;          if (true == visibleflag && true == roleflag) {                                 routeparameters["id"] =;              var route  = routing.generate("artist_show", routeparameters);                                  attributes += 'rel="tooltip" ';                                 attributes += 'title="show" ';                                 attributes += 'class="btn btn-info btn-sm btn-icon icon-left" ';                                 attributes += 'role="button" ';              var url  = "<a ";             url += 'href="' + route + '" ';             url += attributes;                             url += ">";             url += '<i class="entypo-info"></i> show';             url += "</a>";              actionsstring += url;         }                 routeparameters  = new array();         attributes = "";         visibleflag = true;         roleflag = true;                           roleflag = false;                                 roleflag = true;          if (true == visibleflag && true == roleflag) {                                 routeparameters["id"] =;              var route  = routing.generate("artist_edit", routeparameters);                                  attributes += 'rel="tooltip" ';                                 attributes += 'title="edit" ';                                 attributes += 'class="btn btn-default btn-sm btn-icon icon-left" ';                                 attributes += 'role="button" ';              var url  = "<a ";             url += 'href="' + route + '" ';             url += attributes;                                 url += 'onclick="' + "return confirm('are sure?')" + '" ';                             url += ">";             url += '<i class="entypo-pencil"></i> edit';             url += "</a>";              actionsstring += url;         }       return actionsstring;  }, }, ]         };          $.extend(defaults, features);         $.extend(defaults, options);         $.extend(defaults, ajax);         $.extend(defaults, columns);          if ( $.fn.datatable.isdatatable( selector ) ) {                         } else {             var otable = $(selector).datatable(defaults);         }      var dt_wrapper = $("#artist_datatable" + "_wrapper"); dt_wrapper.find(".datatables_scrollfootinner").append("\x0a");  dt_wrapper.find(".multiselect_checkall").click(function(event) { var = this; dt_wrapper.find("input.multiselect_checkbox:checkbox").each(function() {     this.checked = that.checked; });  });  dt_wrapper.find(".multiselect_action_click").on('click', function(event) { var length = dt_wrapper.find("input.multiselect_checkbox:checkbox:checked").length;  event.preventdefault();  if (length > 0) {     if (!confirm( "are sure?" )) {         return;     }      $.ajax({         url: $(this).attr("href"),         type: "post",         cache: false,         data: {             'data': $("input:checkbox:checked.multiselect_checkbox", otable.rows().nodes()).serializearray()         },         success: function(msg) {             otable.draw();         },         error: function (xmlhttprequest, textstatus, errorthrown) {             console.log(xmlhttprequest + ' ' + textstatus + ' ' +errorthrown);         }     }) } else {     alert("you need select @ least 1 element."); } });      }, features.delay); }); 


table.datatable{table-layout: fixed !important} .row-name[style]{width: 18% !important} .row-select{width: 5% !important;} .row-sex[style],.row-priority[style],.row-date[style],.row-month[style]     {width: 5% !important;} .row-year[style]{width: 6% !important;} .row-buttons{width: 13%} .row-owner, .row-spe{width:5% !important;} .row-status{width: 5.5%;} .row-sequence[style],.row-cat[style]{width:4% !important;} .row-uid[style]{width: 12% !important;} 

fyi: symfony app , using sgdatatablebundle ( ) generate datatable. in advance. screenshort attached sidebar open can understand problem. @ checkboxes (if blind me , have trouble finding misalignment! :p )

enter image description here


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