objective c - AFNetworking GET parameters with JSON (NSDictionary) string contained in URL key parameter -
this json string has sent:
{ "dashboard": "compact", "theme": "dark", "show_side_bar": "yes" }
to rest api using get method in format (since server retrieves data php code $_get["setting"]
) afhttprequestoperationmanager
, such equivalent url becomes:
http://www.examplesite.com/api/change_setting?setting={ "dashboard" : "compact", "theme" : "dark", "show_side_bar" : "yes" }
when create nsdictionary
of parameters in afhttprequestoperationmanager
's get:parameters:success:failure:
adds url key parameter parameter dictionary this:
{ "setting": { "dashboard": "compact", "theme": "dark", "show_side_bar": "yes" } }
in short only json string must encapsulated in setting parameter not object of setting in json string.
edit: here's code:
afhttprequestoperationmanager *manager = [afhttprequestoperationmanager manager]; nsdictionary *parameters = @{ ksettingdashboard: @"compact", ksettingtheme: @"dark", ksettingshowsidebar: @"yes" }; [manager get:kurlchangesetting parameters:[nsdictionary dictionarywithobject:parameters forkey:@"setting"] success:^(afhttprequestoperation *operation, id responseobject) { // code } failure:^(afhttprequestoperation *operation, nserror *error) { /// code }];
try this:
nsdata *jsondata = [nsjsonserialization datawithjsonobject:parameters options:0 error:nil]; nsstring *parametersstring = [[nsstring alloc] initwithdata:jsondata encoding:nsutf8stringencoding]; [manager get:kurlchangesetting parameters:@{@"setting" : parametersstring} success:^(afhttprequestoperation *operation, id responseobject) { // code } failure:^(afhttprequestoperation *operation, nserror *error) { /// code }];
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