php - On local works, on server shows 404 -
i need don't understand.
i developing website customer. doing on local, , every day upload server changes , new things.
last done create simple way extract section, parameters , values url. like:
really not shop, example shows want tell you.
the idea have folder sections (product.php, home.php, contact.php, ...) , section on url says file use.
this working on computer.
but i've uploaded files (literally) server , not working. shows me 404 error.
i think problem .htaccess , php versions (i works on php 5.5.10 on local, , server runs on 5.4.16).
this .htaccess:
<ifmodule mod_rewrite.c> rewriteengine on # send would-be 404 requests craft rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d rewritecond %{request_uri} !^/(favicon\.ico|apple-touch-icon.*\.png)$ [nc] rewriterule (.+) index.php?params=$1 [qsa,l] </ifmodule>
i don't know if need more information this. if want, , show you.
i hope can me.
thank you!
update 2015 july 02
i tried lot of thing , none worked.
finally tried redirect google, not works. , tried break wrong code .htacces, neither.
searching i've read problem allowoverride none.
for tried:
<directory "/var/www/sites-public/"> allowoverride allow </directory> rewriteengine on options +followsymlinks rewriterule ^test\.html [r=301,l]
still not working. don't know if document root correct.
can me?
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